The apprenticeship approach to teacher training: a case study in music education

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The apprenticeship approach to teacher training has a long and venerable history. The idea of the novice being inducted into a craft through observation and appropriate modeling by a master extends back to the medieval guilds. This approach is explored in a modern context by means of a case study that links the university and an elementary school, the theory with the practice. The personal experiences of five elementary music teachers and two university faculty are studied. Through the various activities of peer coaching, observation, and actual teaching, students develop some insights into real-life classroom teaching. Data were gathered from interviews, a questionnaire, and documents. The potential benefits of two modes of learning from experience-through direct encounter and through modeling are examined. The potential and limitations of this experience are discussed. The collaborative process used in this study could provide a model for future projects in teacher development.
Bibliography: p. 89-97.
Bisset, W. M. (1993). The apprenticeship approach to teacher training: a case study in music education (Master's thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from doi:10.11575/PRISM/11296