Effect of reservoir heterogeneities and flow mechanisms on numerical simulation requirements

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The simulation of Enhanced Qil Becovery (EOR) processes and waterfloods accounting for both small and large scale heterogeneity is a difficult task. Yet it is not possible to make accurate forecasts unless reservoir heterogeneity is accounted for. The research objective is to develop criteria for the engineer or geologist so that they can estimate the amount of geological detail required to make accurate reservoir performance predictions. The lumping of permeability regions into grid blocks depends upon: •The amount of viscous, capillary, dispersive, and gravity crossflow. •the size and type of permeability heterogeneity. The study presents various dimensionless groups and their criteria in order to determine if permeability variations can be averaged together, or if they must be directly modelled. The permeability correlation length, permeability variance, mobility ratio, effective aspect ratio, gravity-viscous number, capillaryviscous number, and Peclet number dictate the level of heterogeneity that must be explicitly modelled.
Bibliography: p. 185-205.
Baker, R. O. (1993). Effect of reservoir heterogeneities and flow mechanisms on numerical simulation requirements (Master's thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from https://prism.ucalgary.ca. doi:10.11575/PRISM/11621