Scada data validation: application of the unified hydraulic solver in water distribution systems

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A new technique has been developed that enables utilities to validate SCADA data and demand loads from water distribution systems using the Unified Hydraulic Solver (UHS). The developed technique assumes that water distribution network pipe roughness coefficients are accurately calibrated. The technique therefore focuses on the ability to validate data either in real time (flows and pressures) or data normally assumed known in real time (nodal demands) within the model formulation. The developed data validation technique systematically investigates the quality of individual measurements and network data by quantifying the consistencies of each observed parameter against all other observations using the unified hydraulic solver. The developed technique is suitable for the analysis of flow and head errors, and errors involving single demand error. The developed data validation mechanism is modified, based on the flexibility of the UHS to designate networks into over- and under-determined zones, to analyze errors involving multiple demand errors. The technique is verified by comparing the results obtained with the state estimation output of the same problem. The accuracy of the outputs using the developed mechanism is further ascertained based on the comparison with the actual error in the system. The limitations of the mechanisms and possible future developments are discussed.
Bibliography: p. 193-196
Adaramola, O. O. (2004). Scada data validation: application of the unified hydraulic solver in water distribution systems (Master's thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from doi:10.11575/PRISM/16859