La crisis de la sociedad burguesa y la autonomia artistica: vanguardismo de "Cantoral Poemas 1925-1936" de Winett de Rokha

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This study approaches Chilean poet Winétt de Rokha, specifically her book Cantoral. Poemas 1925-1936. Starting from Peter Bürger's Theory of the Avant-Garde, we analyze Winétt's poems as linked to these trends of experimentation, particularly Dadaism and Expressionism. The conception behind the metaphors is related to Huidobro's Creationism as well. The subjective world of the author relies on an autonomous level at the poetic representation, trying to differentiate her expression from traditional methods of expression. Also, Winétt's writing is understood as originating from a personal commitment to society. Therefore her political commitment is explicit not only at the content's level but also it is present in the poem's structure. We highlight then the separation with tradition, especially with Symbolism, the search for new forms of representation, and the commitment to society. These are the main characteristics that show a conscious experiment from an Avant-Garde point of view.
Bibliography: p. 83-87