Building Strong Relationships between Parents and Their Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder

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This research used a strength-based approach to explore parents’ perceptions of the relationship with their child diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. Using the exploratory methodology of the Enhanced Critical Incident Technique, seven parents were interviewed about what helped in building a strong relationship with their child. From these interviews, 10 categories were formed: (a) Enjoying Time Together, (b) Working as a Parent-Child Team, (c) Learning about Autism and How to Help, (d) Joining in the Child’s Interests, (e) Accessing Professional Support, (f) Accommodating the Child’s Diagnosis, (g) Working to Overcome Challenge, (h) Receiving Support from Family, (i) Having a Flexible Workplace, and (j) Parent Self-Care. These categories are discussed in relation to the attachment, parenting, and disability literature. Recommendations for counselling professionals and parents are offered based on the findings and scholarly literature
Educational Psychology, Education--Guidance and Counseling
Jubenville, T. M. (2014). Building Strong Relationships between Parents and Their Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (Master's thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from doi:10.11575/PRISM/25185