The Role of Speech Recognition Technology in Fostering Cognitive Engagement in Students

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Speech recognition technology, which allows for the conversion of speech to text, is commonly used with individuals who struggle with writing due to cognitive, physical, or sensory issues. While there is initial support for the positive impact of speech recognition technology on specific writing outcomes (e.g., skilled writing), limited attention has been given to examining the cognitive mechanisms by which it exerts influence. One possible avenue to consider is the link between speech recognition technology and student cognitive engagement, defined as an investment in the work of learning. With evidence to suggest that certain technology use increases student engagement (e.g., interactive whiteboards, writing pads), it is possible that the use of speech recognition technology helps students to become more cognitively invested in their writing. Findings from this case study identify: (a) the extent to which students utilizing speech recognition technology are cognitively engaged in their writing; (b) necessary conditions to elicit cognitive engagement; and (c) the impact of speech recognition technology on student writing. Comparison is made between students identified as engaged and non-engaged in the writing task, with examination given to possible differences in the learning environments and student and teacher perceptions toward the use of speech recognition technology. This study provides insight into important factors to consider when using speech recognition technology in order to maximize the impact of this technology on student learning.  
Educational Psychology, Education--Technology
Toll, K. (2014). The Role of Speech Recognition Technology in Fostering Cognitive Engagement in Students (Master's thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from doi:10.11575/PRISM/28354