Cavity-Induced Synthetic Gauge Potentials

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Abelian and non-Abelian gauge potentials and quantum gauge theories play central roles in our understanding of Nature. Gauge potentials are also of great significance in condensed matter physics. In fact, minimal coupling of electrons to an Abelian or non-Abelian gauge potential is the essential ingredient for the realization of topological states of matter. Due to the high controllability of ultracold atoms, they are commonly exploited to test fundamental theories of physics, simulate intractable systems, and realize exotic many-body states. Nonetheless, the charge neutrality of atoms places severe constraints on ultracold atomic systems, since neutral particles do not couple to gauge potentials the way charged particles do. That said, coupling a multi-component quantum gas to laser light can lead to the emergence of artificial Abelian and non-Abelian gauge potentials minimally coupled to the center-of-mass momenta of ultracold neutral atoms, paving the way for realizing topological states of matter and simulating gauge theories in quantum gases. All previous proposals for inducing gauge potentials have been developed in the semiclassical regime, where the radiation field is treated classically. I have developed a two-photon Raman scheme in the strong atom-photon coupling (i.e., quantum) regime, based on two counter-propagating modes of a ring cavity, to induce both synthetic magnetic field and spin-orbit coupling for a single neutral atom inside the cavity. The spin-orbit interaction is only weakly dependent on the occupation of the cavity modes, whereas the strength of the magnetic field is proportional to the square of the total number of photons in the cavity and can be made arbitrarily large, which is desirable for realizing the quantum Hall phase. I have then extended this single-atom cavity quantum-electrodynamics scheme to many bosons in the weak atom-photon coupling regime. In addition to inducing spin-orbit coupling for the individual atoms, the cavity fields also mediate infinite-ranged interactions between atoms, whose strengths and signs can readily be tuned experimentally. The interplay between these cavity-mediated interactions and the intrinsic two-body interactions determines the many-body ground state and its elementary excitations, with novel consequences such as the stabilization of an attractive Bose-Einstein condensate which otherwise is unstable.
Condensed Matter
Mivehvar, F. (2016). Cavity-Induced Synthetic Gauge Potentials (Doctoral thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from doi:10.11575/PRISM/25231