Determining the Mobility of Old Women's Phase People on the Southern Alberta Plains as Evidenced by Lithic Assemblages

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The mobility of Old Women’s phase people on the southern Alberta Plains will be explored in this research through the analysis of lithic assemblages. Due to a paucity of research concerning mobility and its influence on lithic assemblages in this region, multiple theories regarding how mobility affects the organization of technology will be explored. This strengthens any inferences regarding mobility by using multiple lines of evidence, as well as evaluates the theories efficacy in this region against each other. It was found that the use of tool form, patterns in the tools and debitage, and intersite variability provided consistent interpretations regarding the mobility of past inhabitants of the Plains. It was also found that distance-decay theory could be used to suggest a directionality of movement within a minimal seasonal round. Therefore, it is apparent that the organization of technology is a viable method for understanding mobility on the southern Alberta Plains.
Krahulic, T. (2016). Determining the Mobility of Old Women's Phase People on the Southern Alberta Plains as Evidenced by Lithic Assemblages (Master's thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from doi:10.11575/PRISM/25610