Taking Inspiration: Talking to Songwriters About Copyright and Creativity

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In the debate surrounding contemporary approaches to copyright law, the voice of songwriters has been significantly under-represented. This thesis presents the findings of seven interviews with practising Western Canadian singer-songwriters regarding the use of pre-existing intellectual property in their creative process, as well as their understanding of and attitudes towards copyright law. These findings are placed within the context of current theoretical approaches to creativity, and are compared to the beliefs about creativity inherent in current copyright law. While the laws are based on an individualistic view of creativity, the songwriters themselves show a tendency to draw heavily from songs, film and other media when creating their works, and tend to view copyright itself as largely irrelevant to their creative habits.
Music, Music, Law, Public Administration
Hemminger, P. (2013). Taking Inspiration: Talking to Songwriters About Copyright and Creativity (Master's thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from https://prism.ucalgary.ca. doi:10.11575/PRISM/27972