Pottery, Differentiation, Integration, and Politics: Ceramic Consumption and Manufacture in Naachtun during the Preclassic and Early Classic Periods

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My research evaluates to what extent transformations in regional networks of socio-economic interaction in the Maya lowlands triggered innovation in ceramic manufacture and consumption in Naachtun between the Late Preclassic and the Early Classic. Comparisons between the ceramic assemblages of the Kuts’ ceramic complex (Late Preclassic) and the Balam ceramic complex (Early Classic) of Naachtun and those documented in other sites in the Maya lowlands indicates that innovation peaked during times when individual socio-economic networks in the lowlands were poorly interconnected, as attested by sharp differences between the assemblages of Naachtun and those reported for other sites. In contrast, more steady and widespread forms of ceramic manufacture and consumption are attested when local and systems of social and economic interaction in the lowlands were tightly associated under the aegis of paramount centers such as El Mirador and Tikal
Patiño-Contreras, A. (2013). Pottery, Differentiation, Integration, and Politics: Ceramic Consumption and Manufacture in Naachtun during the Preclassic and Early Classic Periods (Doctoral thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from https://prism.ucalgary.ca. doi:10.11575/PRISM/27391