School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Research & Publications

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    Open Access
    A Learning Journey at UCalgary
    (PEER Beyond Research Conference 2023 University of Calgary, 2023-02-12) Fatima, Kulsum
    This presentation presents the evaluative study to access UCalgary initiatives for water sustainability, which intends to identify “knowledge gaps” regarding perceptions of sustainable water use, water sustainability applications in physical & digital spaces and understanding of water resource related issues.
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    Open Access
    Lived Experiences with Water
    (International Development Week Storytelling the SDGs Event, 2023-02-08) Fatima, Kulsum
    This presentation shares lived experiences with water portrayed through art and storytelling, creating a safe and open space to explore discussions and share stories in connection to UNSDG6.
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    Open Access
    Assessing impacts of mediated communication technologies in advancing UNSDG6 at UCalgary campus, Alberta, Canada
    (Dresden Nexus Conference 2022, 2022-05-23) Fatima, Kulsum
    The study aspires to utilize institutional conditions to foster responsible engagement for environmental protection, and demonstrate an all-inclusive perspective to water sustainability. This perspective aims to highlight existing water sustainable initiatives on UCalgary campus by identifying and implementing user-oriented mediated communication strategies that will enhance user observation & perception around water features, as we move through our campus.
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    Open Access
    Advancing Water Literacy and UN SDG6​ Through Experiential Learnings​
    (2023-04-28) Kulsum Fatima
    Water sustainable behaviors among the campus community are promoted and prioritized through this digital poster, which explores the experiential learning thread. This thread support research study REB20-0815, which examine how sustainability practices can be improved through knowledge dissipation. In addition, experiential learning influences user choice towards water sustainable behavior as we move through our physical & digital spaces on campus.
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    Open Access
    Energy Intensive Water Management to Achieve Zero Carbon Footprint: A Case Study in Semi-Arid Region, India
    (2016-02) Fatima, Kulsum
    The study looks into areas around NCT region that have deep soil conditions along Yamuna River and are known for having ground water resource potential. The site selected has a complex mix Landuse including residential, administrative & industrial setup along with a warehouse & other supporting facility. As assessment of onsite water demand is made on the basis of liter par day demand for various functions within the site and an estimation of water availability on site with respect to surface & ground water resource potential as well. The potential for rainwater harvesting potential and recycled water potential is also assessed. The study also makes suggestions regarding reversing and improving the declining trends of the ground water table conditions which are burdened because of overexploitation/over extraction. Corresponding to the actual demand & reduced demand of water, an estimation of carbon footprint for water-based energies is estimated. This is further supported by solar exposure analysis for assessing the entire site potential for harnessing solar energy. This helped in proposing on site renewable energy generation possibilities along with ground water improvement. This leads to the innovative idea of energy intensive site with zero carbon footprints for water pumping systems.