Critical wayfinding: or, a psycho-spatial model for critical design

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Critical Design has emerged as a small subset of Industrial Design, with a focus on exploration, experimentation and cultural criticism through the design of objects and design polemics. While effective as points of discussion within the industry, these projects may fall short of their potential to reach a broader audience. Current methods rely heavily on radical, confrontational techniques through presenting singular objects with little discussion. As such, these critical objects are at risk of being ignored or themselves normalized and adopted by the capitalist system they aspire to criticise. This project examines the possibility of using Way-finding methodology as a means of articulating and encouraging criticism among a wider audience. The development of well connected cognitive maps of the issues surrounding products in our every-day lives may encourage a greater critical engagement with them. Three concepts from the design of spatial navigation systems are identified that may help achieve this. Heterotopia or frames of reference are used to define late nt conceptual spaces surrounding the products, such as the space of production, waste, or business models. MacGuffins, or the Lacanian 'Object Petit a' are employed to provide encouragement for the exploration of these spaces. Finally, techniques for encouraging the development of cognitive maps are employed to encourage an understanding of the connections within these spaces, and "with the consumer object itself. Approaching critical design from a more sustained and participative position may offer opportunities to involve a broader audience in the discusion. There polemical objects themselves may have fallen short of effectively articulating criticism, objects and systems designed from this revised approach may be more useful at encouraging engagement among a larger audience, promoting awareness and discussion around important issues, so that they might be addressed.
Bibliography: p. 191-197
Millen, B. J. (2009). Critical wayfinding: or, a psycho-spatial model for critical design (Master's thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from doi:10.11575/PRISM/2927