Amidst the chaos: understanding a critical incident

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ER nurses frequently participate in heartbreaking and anxiety provoking events described as critical incidents. In this philosophical hermeneutic inquiry, four ER nurses were interviewed to uncover a deeper understanding of critical incidents, the meaning ascribed to critical incidents, and the needs of the nurses following the incident. Through this inquiry it was discovered that a sensation of falling may be felt by the nurse during participation in these events. This experience can be overwhelming and difficult to elucidate thus, ER nurses frequently utilize metaphors to assist in describing the distressing nature of critical incidents. Each nurse involved in an incident copes differently and in a manner best suited for him/her. Critical incident are an inevitable part of the life of an ER nurse and there may not be one single solution to assist all nurses with the process of managing painful personal thoughts, feelings, and emotions associated with critical incidents.
Bibliography: p. 155-174
Includes copy of ethics approval. Original copy with original Partial Copyright Licence.
Dykalski, S. A. (2012). Amidst the chaos: understanding a critical incident (Master's thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from doi:10.11575/PRISM/4946