Quality Teaching: A Literature Review for Northern Gateway Public Schools

The purpose of this literature review is to synthesize the body of work that can inform quality teaching. In this literature review the authors draw on a combination of literature gathered by the Northern Gateway Public School District and their Steering Team as well as literature gathered by researchers. The literature review is organized according to four key dimensions of quality teaching: teacher as designer, teacher as engaged professional, teacher as expert in pedagogical knowledge and teacher as cultivator of quality learning environments. The dimensions are linked to Friesen’s (2009) principles of Teaching Effectiveness. Implications for teachers and school leaders are synthesized at the end of the literature review.
quality teaching, pedagogy, pedagogical knowledge, optimum learning
• Brown, B., Thomas, C., Delanoy, N. & Brandon, J. (2018). Quality Teaching: A Literature Review for Northern Gateway Public Schools. Report prepared for Northern Gateway Public Schools.