Investigating Academic Integrity in the Werklund School of Education: Process, Policy and Perceptions - Final Report (Poster)

This poster serves as the final report for the project, "Investigating Academic Integrity in the Werklund School of Education: Process, Policy and Perceptions" funded by the Werklund School of Education. This project was approved by the Conjoint Faculties Research Ethics Board (CFREB) - Certificate: REB16-1828 Academic dishonesty continues to present a major problem in higher education (Altbach, 2015; Colella-Sandercock & Alahmadi, 2015; Leonard, Schwieder, Buhler, Beaubien Bennett & Royster, 2015). Using a qualitative research design, this project investigated how instructors, teaching assistants (TA’s) and administrators perceive and act upon cases of plagiarism or in the Werklund School of Education (WSE), University of Calgary. Further details on the overall project can be found on the Open Science Framework: DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/95Q6R
academic integrity, academic misconduct, academic dishonesty, higher education, Canada
Eaton, S. E., Fernández Conde, C., Rothschuh, S., Guglielmin, M., Otoo, B. K., Wilson, J., & Burns, I. (2018). Investigating Academic Integrity in the Werklund School of Education: Process, Policy and Perceptions - Final Report (Poster). Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB.