Perylene Diimide Materials in Bulk-Heterojunction Films for Organic Photovoltaics: Towards Technology Commercialization

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This thesis focuses on the processing and characterization of organic semiconducting materials as well as the fabrication and characterization of thin films and organic photovoltaic devices. Chapter 1 gives an overview of the organic photovoltaics field, describing the basic mechanisms of the devices as well as the properties of the materials, and introducing examples of well-studied materials in the field. Chapter 2 explores some solid-state properties of the material tPDI2N-EH, with a focus on its behaviour related to solution processing and thin film formation when blended with an organic semiconducting polymer. Chapter 3 explores structural variations of tPDI2N-EH, namely tPDI2N-Hex, cy-tPDI2N-Hex and tPDI2N-cy, focusing on the effects of changing the side-chains of a perylene diimide dimer on the solid-state morphology and organic photovoltaics performance. Chapter 4 focuses on the topic of scalability of an organic photovoltaic system, exploiting the properties of the material tPDI2N-EH to fabricate organic photovoltaic devices that can be processed in industry-compatible conditions. Slot-die coating is introduced as the main element of transition from the laboratory to the industrial scale. Chapter 5 takes the system to an even higher practical setting, simplifying the structure of the polymeric material it is used with, and focusing on enhancing specific photovoltaic parameters that enable a practical, real-life application of organic photovoltaics: indoor light recycling, which represents the conclusion of the bulk of this thesis. A final effort to produce a high-performance system in fully industry-compatible conditions is reported in Appendix 1, where a known high-performance system is processed into organic photovoltaic devices removing all the limiting parts of the process.
Organic Photovoltaics, Light Harvesting, Organic Semiconductors, Perylene Diimide, Slot-Die Coating, Printed Electronics, Organic Electronics
Tintori, F. (2021). Perylene Diimide Materials in Bulk-Heterojunction Films for Organic Photovoltaics: Towards Technology Commercialization (Doctoral thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from