Time/frame: Rewriting the Mirror Stage in Lacan's Anxiety Seminar

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Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English
This essay assesses Jacques Lacan’s comments on the mirror stage in his Seminar X: Anxiety, given between 1962–63. These comments stress the importance of time, framing, and the uncanny as factors in the mirror stage, thus giving Lacan’s signature concept several unexpected points of emphasis. As we compare the frame around the edges of a mirror to other framed stages discussed in Lacan’s seminar, we consider the implications of this new way of conceptualizing the mirror stage for literary studies and Lacanian psychoanalysis.
Lacan, Jacques, mirror stage, framing, time, anxiety, the uncanny, Freud, Sigmund
Sigler, D., & Lypka, C. (2019). Time/frame: Rewriting the Mirror Stage in Lacan's Anxiety Seminar. ESC: English Studies in Canada 45(4), 1-21. doi:10.1353/esc.2019.0015.