Foundations in Open Educational Resources Workshop, University of Calgary Block Week Winter 2023

This workshop held January 6, 2023 during Block Week provided learners with an understanding about what OERs are, approaches for integrating them into teaching and learning practices, and ways for accessing and assessing OER resources and tools. The workshop will consist of key learnings, helpful resources, and activities to equip participants with the skills they need to achieve their goals for teaching with OER. Means for continuing the discussion on creating OERs will be provided at the end of the session. At the end of this workshop, learners will be able to: Define open educational resources (OER), copyright, and open licenses; Understand the implications copyright and open licensing have on the adoption, adaptation, and creation of OER; Describe the key considerations for assessing and adopting an OER; Identify ways of incorporating OER into their teaching and learning practices; Conduct a preliminary search using key search tools for finding OER, openly licensed media, and ancillary content.
Open educational resources, Library outreach, Library workshop, Creative Commons, Learning object
Adams, S. (2023, January 6). Foundations in Open Educational Resources (OER) Workshop [PowerPoint Slides]. Libraries and Cultural Resources, University of Calgary. CC BY-SA 4.0.