Saul Bellow and the novel of ideas

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This thesis proposes that the American writer Saul Bellow has progressively synthesized two navel forms, the novel of ideas and the novel of character. The novel of ideas which has been outlined for us in Aldous Huxley 's Point Counter Point. is concerned with a detached presentation of intellectual concepts, rather than the creation of real human characters, creatures of flesh and blood, which is the province of the novel of character. An examination of five of Bellow' s six major novels, in their chronological order, demonstrates his increasing ability to combine within one narrative framework the illustration of ideas and the exploration of the inner life of a number of vital characters, and to make ingenious use of existing types of the novel to fulfil his purpose.
Bibliography: p. 185-187.
Halliday, P. J. (1966). Saul Bellow and the novel of ideas (Master's thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from doi:10.11575/PRISM/16600