Vasubandhu's parinama theory

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This thesis examines Vasubandhu's vijnana-paripama by investigating ‘what it is' in Yogacara philosophy. This is done by critical reading of Sanskrit, Tibetan, and Chinese texts. Chapter One addresses Vasubandhu's hagiography and works. This thesis does not take the two-Vasubandhu theory brought by E. Frauwallner, because there is not sufficient evidence to accept the existences of two Vasubandhus. This thesis regards Vasubandhu as one who lived in 400-480 A.D. Chapter Two examines Vasubandhu's vijnana-paripama. First, based on Asanga's *Mahayana-samgraha, important ideas of Yogacara are surveyed. Secondly, sources of Vasubandhu's vijnana-paripama are introduced. Thirdly, Vasubandhu's vijnana-paripama is defined through the examination of Vasubandhu's *Trimsika-karika and its three extant commentaries. Chapter Three introduces parip.ama theory of the Samkhya-Yoga school. Historical accounts on the confrontation between Vasubandhu and the Samkhya-Yoga philosophers are also examined and concluded that there is no evidence of the existence of mutual influence of parinama theories between them.
Bibliography: p. 157-177.
Fujimoto, A. (1992). Vasubandhu's parinama theory (Master's thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from doi:10.11575/PRISM/14804