Essays in Taxation Policy

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This thesis studies various aspects of taxation policy covering several essential dimensions such as welfare, politics and tax compliance. The first chapter examines the taxation of financial institutions, the second chapter studies some political aspects of tax policy and the last chapter analyses the effectiveness of a popular tax administration policy in a developing country context. Following the recent financial crisis, there has been considerable policy discussion regarding the taxation of financial institutions. While not front and centre in the public discourse, amongst tax policy experts the VAT treatment of financial institutions has been proven to be very contentious. The first chapter examines the welfare and revenue consequences of a widely practiced VAT policy for financial institutions: exempt treatment. We show that shifting the VAT from exempt treatment to the theoretical ideal of full taxation (the way regular businesses are taxed) is welfare improving and tax revenue increasing. In the second chapter, we study the politics of capital taxation within the context of policy instability and infrastructure investment. Many developing countries rely on private investors to improve their infrastructure. Yet, investors face the risk of opportunistic (tax) policy revisions by the host government, which may adversely impact their return. The results show that countries with high political constraints (and hence, with more policy stability) attract more investment and the magnitude of the impact is larger in the long-run. The final chapter empirically evaluates a new technology for filing tax returns: online filing (e-filing). E-filing has been widely practiced in developed countries for years and it has been argued that it simplifies the procedure and saves time and money for taxpayers. However, it is not self-evident that this should always be the case, especially in developing countries. We find that the effectiveness of the policy depends largely on policy implementation, firm experience with the policy and the infrastructure environment in the country.

Economics, Economics--Finance, Economics--Theory
Yilmaz, F. (2014). Essays in Taxation Policy (Doctoral thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from doi:10.11575/PRISM/25939