Easy money : report of the Task Force on Legalized Gambling

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Twentieth Century Fund

In November 1972, the Fund for the City of New York published Legal Gambling in New York: An Inquiry into Numbers and Sports Betting. This study was well received and coincided with exploratory work being done on the same subject at approximately the same time by the Twentieth Century Fund. Both foundations thought it a good idea jointly to support a further inquiry into legalized gambling, building on the earlier work of both foundations and extending beyond the reach of the New York study to take a national rather than a local perspective. It was our expectation that, by directing the attention of a panel of distinguished and sensitive people to the subject over a period of time and supporting them with knowledgeable staff, we could help to shed some light on this complex and timely subject and strip away some of the mythology surrounding it. We think the resulting Report and background paper meet that expectation and will serve as a valuable guide to the basic facts and the troublesome questions that must be considered as public decisions are made in this area.

Legalized gambling--New York State