Applying Data Mining and Social Network Analysis Techniques in a Land Tenure Information System

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Network of social relationships are fundamental attribute of land tenure systems. The primary objective of this research is to develop an evolutionary TTM-based LTIS to cater for requirements dictated by the rapidly evolving social, political and economic conditions in peri-urban communities and to apply data mining and social network analysis techniques to find lineage of interest in customary systems. The method adapts agile software development approach to developing a TTM-based LTIS. Simulated data populated into the system is then extracted for mining and analysis. The results have proven that mining and analysis can facilitate visualizing complex relationships between objects, reveal hidden relationships that emerge as social change take shape as well as drive the development of an evolutionary land administration model and the LTIS developed based on such models. However the success of these methods depends on acquiring relevant data which may sometimes be manipulated to suite one’s agenda.

Computer Science, Engineering--Environmental, Engineering--Operations Research
Asiedu, K. (2014). Applying Data Mining and Social Network Analysis Techniques in a Land Tenure Information System (Master's thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from doi:10.11575/PRISM/24976