Water- Energy Nexus: The Next Global Sustainability Challenge

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The Water-Energy Nexus is a subject of rising significance in a changing world looking to find solutions for its growing appetite for energy, water and other commodities. The project entitled The Water-Energy Nexus: The Next Global Sustainability Challenge examines the intricacies of how Energy, the Environment and Society are all linked together through the concept of the Water-Energy Nexus. The project is directed towards answering the question of how the nexus can assist in the transitions towards a sustainable energy future, allowing for different disciplines to finally unite in order to achieve a common goal. The first section of the project explains how water works in the natural environment and how a resource, although renewable can be at risk because of our consumption patterns. The section looks at ways in which water is stored in the environment, whether frozen in ice, buried in deep ground aquifers, on the surface or in the atmosphere. The project examines the intricacies of how a changing climate will affect water resources and thus affect the way we plan in ahead with regards to our energy future. The second section focuses on how water is used in energy systems. Breaking down the various processes at which water is used across Fossil Fuels, Nuclear Power and Alternative Energies. The chapter illustrates how much water is used per unit of energy and how water may actually change the concept of whether or not an energy system is sustainable.

Delaney, W. B. (2010). Water- Energy Nexus: The Next Global Sustainability Challenge (Unpublished report). University of Calgary, Calgary, AB.