Estimation Based Adaptive Controllers for Microgrid Connected Boost Converters

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Microgrids are an excellent solution to integrate modern power generation and consumption with legacy infrastructure. Their flexibility and adaptability make them ideal for several applications combining Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Storage Systems, interfacing them with traditional generation systems. Nonetheless, the stability of these can be compromised under the presence of Constant Power Load (CPL) behavior, given by tightly regulated converters connecting AC and DC loads to a DC bus. This thesis presents an innovative nonlinear estimator used to identify the CPL and resistive power consumption components, and two estimation based controllers for Boost converters regulating the DC bus voltage. These controllers leverage the information provided by the system identification method and enhance the Microgrid stability by increasing the power range of operation. The controllers combine non-linear control techniques with the traditional PI control structure, in which the proportional and integral gains vary according to the estimated load power, allowing it to maintain constant dynamics at all operating conditions. The analysis incorporates comprehensive models that characterize the dynamic behavior of the Microgrid connected Boost converter, validating the stable operation under different loading conditions through simulation and experimental results. The proposed methods show low computation complexity and are suitable for implementation on industry-standard microcontrollers, making them flexible to be implemented in low-cost power platforms.

Microgrids, Boost Converters, Constant Power Loads, Adaptive Control, Parametric Estimation
Santana, I. (2025). Estimation based adaptive controllers for microgrid connected boost converters (Master's thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from