Understanding the Role and Capacity Building of Midlevel District Leaders
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The purpose of this exploratory case study was to investigate the understanding of the role of the midlevel leader in two rural school districts, and how these leaders build their own professional capacity. As school districts are being recognized as a necessity for improved student achievement, the role of the midlevel leader has become pivotal, linking district policy directives to everyday leadership practices. However, there is limited knowledge about the role of midlevel district leaders, and how they build their capacity. Two rural school districts with a total of ten participants, including two superintendents, two midlevel leaders, and six school principals, participated in this study. The superintendents and midlevel leaders were interviewed individually, and the principals were divided into two focus groups of three principals each (representing the elementary, middle, and high school divisions). The first of two research questions asked, How is the role of the midlevel leader understood in the school district? Based on the analysis of the data, three findings emerged: 1) the role of the midlevel leader is understood differently by different members of the school division personnel and this leads to confusion when those leaders are implementing, monitoring, and evaluating district priorities, initiatives, and policies; 2) understanding of school context is seen as crucial for the midlevel leader to support principals to become effective in leading learning. Building a strong relationship between the midlevel leader and the principal is important for school and system success; and 3) although the role of the midlevel leader is important in the organizational structure of the district, the role is understood very differently at the various levels of the organization. The second question asked, How does the midlevel leader build their professional capacity? Analysis of the data identified one finding: although the role of the midlevel leader is seen as important to the organizational structure, there is no focus on developing their capacity at the district level. A conclusion was that more concentrated effort needs to be given to the development of the midlevel leader’s professional capacity.