Quality of life issues: head and neck cancer

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Head and neck cancer and its treatment can present major problems for a person and his/ her family as a result of meaningful functional and structural alterations. Current treatment plans are chosen with a primary goal of prolonging survival. lnduding infonnation of a patient's quality of life (QOL), hovvever, is becoming rrore widely recognized as a vital contributor to making appropriate treatment choices. Since there is no absolute "gold standard" to ad as a yardstick to measure QOL, the meaning of an assessment is open to some conjecture. This pilot study involved the participation of 22 cancer patients \Nho had been treated for head and neck cancer within the past two years at the Tom Baker Cancer Centre in Calgary, Alberta. A self-adninistered questionnaire based on the European Organization for Research into the Treatment of Cancer is currently recognized as an instrument validated to measure QOL of cancer patients. The purpose of this study was to discuss current QOL issues for head and neck cancer patients; and to explore the reliability and validity of an Ear, Nose and Throat cancer-specific module designed to be administered with the EORTC QLQ-C30. The SCL-90-R and POMS vvere used to compare psychological mood states to QOL.
Bibliography: p. 155-169.
Smit, M. G. (1994). Quality of life issues: head and neck cancer (Master's thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from https://prism.ucalgary.ca. doi:10.11575/PRISM/12731