Performance of Steel Braced Frame Reinforced with Shape Memory Alloy Wires

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Shape memory alloys have just recently made their way into structural design, and through studies have proved to be quite effective in increasing a structure’s strength and performance. This thesis focuses on the research performed on concentrically braced steel frames reinforced with nickel-titanium (NiTi) shape memory alloy (SMA) wires for use as a seismic resistance force system. The main objective of this research was to design an innovative self-centring system that had the ability to dissipate energy and undergo large deformations that would occur during large earthquake motions. Three frames were designed and tested; one control steel braced frame and two SMA-reinforced steel braced frames. Examination of the systems under a free vibration test and a quasi-static cyclic test was conducted to study the effect the SMA wires had on the behaviour of the braced frames. Initial test results showed that the SMA braced frame had significant re-centring capabilities, and a potential for moderate energy dissipation. Investigation of the anchorage connection showed that the wires slipped out of their anchorage prematurely. With the improved system, it was concluded that the SMA-reinforced frame attained a significantly greater energy dissipation ability, self-centring response, and overall an enhanced performance than the conventional steel braced frame.

Structural engineering, shape memory alloy, NiTi, seismic engineering, pseudoelastic, self-centring
Varughese, K. A. (2019). Performance of Steel Braced Frame Reinforced with Shape Memory Alloy Wires (Master's thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from