Environmental Risk Mapping for Contamination of Drinking Water Wells Post Flood in Southern Alberta
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The objective of this research was to determine if there were more cases of contamination in 2013 than in previous years. To determine private groundwater wells in the Calgary Health Zone were impacted by the flood in June 2013, and finally determine what environmental variables influence contamination during a flooding event. The analysis utilizes, test results of total coliform and E.coli of private water wells were obtained though Alberta Health Services’ Provincial Laboratory (ProvLab) for the period of June 19th to September 30th, 2013. The analysis was completed using ArcGIS 10.2 and R 3.0.2. The results of the regression indicate that total coliform contamination was not impacted by the flood, however, E.coli contamination was impacted by floodways, flood fringe, farms, and intermittent water (sloughs).