Modeling and data analysis of emergent properties in different biological systems

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Biological systems exhibit a wide array of rich and diverse emergent phenomena, resulting from the intricate modulation of interactions between their components. This modulation can involve changes in both the strength and nature of interactions, leading to complex behaviors and properties. To gain insights into these complex phenomena, various computational and modeling approaches are employed to decipher experimental observations and allow for a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanisms at play. This thesis aims to explore emergent properties in Neuroscience and Microbiology. In Neuroscience, connections between neurons are known to store memories, although it is not clear how. To investigate how memory forms and changes with learning locally between neurons, I proposed a novel molecular mechanism of temporal learning in the Cerebellum part of the brain and validated it using mathematical models. My investigations aimed to shed light on the fundamental processes that lie at the core of learning and cognitive function, providing a deeper understanding of how our brains acquire and learn from experiences. In Microbiology, the behavior of microbes is closely linked to their metabolism, which is often constructed from the genome sequence using algorithmic genetic annotation pipelines. However, these methods can leave gaps in the metabolic network, leading to incorrect interpretations of a pathogen’s metabolic capabilities and hindering therapeutic interventions. To address this, I developed the MINNO network analysis web application, which allows one to identify gaps and explore potential targets for drugs. As microorganisms continue to develop resistance to existing drugs, the need for novel drugs and therapeutic targets becomes increasingly pressing. Moreover, determining the targets of these novel drugs is crucial yet challenging. I addressed this issue using metabolic fingerprinting, which can classify known antibiotics based on the metabolic phenotype they induce in Escherichia coli. Additionally, I formulated an extension of kinetic flux profiling for perturbed cases to gain insights into cellular responses to antibiotics or other stresses in general. Due to their versatility and general applicability, both the MINNO and perturbed kinetic flux profiling are anticipated to enable novel insights into microbial metabolism and various complex biological phenomena observed in nature.

Purkinje cells, Memory, Genetic divergent species, Antibiotics, Network visualization
Mandwal, A. K. (2024). Modeling and data analysis of emergent properties in different biological systems (Doctoral thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from