Sakjol: An Ancient Maya Neighborhood Marketplace at Yaxnohcah
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The research presented in this thesis consists of the excavation and analysis of artifacts recovered from an ancient Maya marketplace, known as the Sakjol marketplace, at the Maya site of Yaxnohcah located in southern Campeche, Mexico. The objective of this research is to contribute toward a greater understanding of ancient Maya marketplaces with a particular focus on the activities that would have taken place within the setting. Material analysis of artifacts recovered from excavations was focused primarily on the lithic artifacts recovered which consisted primarily of lithic reduction debris. The results of excavations and analysis of materials recovered illustrated that a range of activities were performed within the Sakjol marketplace. Lithic craft production appears to have focused primarily on middle to late-stage bifacial tool production however, earlier stages such as core preparation and shaping also occurred. Food vending activities were likely conducted as indicated by the presence of serving vessel debris, charcoal, and metates. The marketplace was maintained through cleaning activities such as sweeping and dumping with debris deposited in convenient yet out of the way locations.