The Impact of Local Socio-Cultural Norms and Economic Needs on Curricula and Teaching Practices: A Study of a Western Branch Campus Located in a Host Country

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This dissertation considered issues related to the operation of Western Branch Campuses in host countries which is a discourse within the literature on international education. The research question explored the extent to which local socio-cultural norms and economic needs inform curricula and teaching practices at a Western branch campus located in a host country in the Arabian Gulf region. The research question was examined through the methodology of a qualitative case study. A triangular research design examined relevant data from multiple sources and multiple perspectives using the methods of documentary analysis and textual analysis. Participants in the study were instructors, administrators, and students who attended, or worked at, the Western branch campus of a North American post-secondary institution in the Arabian Gulf region. While curricula practice is controlled by the home institution, the branch campus can recommend changes to program structures and course outlines. The study found that although the socio-cultural norms of the host country do not inform curricula practice at the home institution, most instructors at the branch campus independently modify their teaching practice to suit the socio-cultural norms, learning needs, and English proficiency levels of their students. Moreover, the economic needs of the host country are beginning to inform curricula practice at the home institution as evidenced by the creation of unique programs and courses at the branch campus, and by the approval of minor modifications to some course outlines in those programs offered at both the home institution and the branch campus.

Education--Curriculum and Instruction
Copeland, A. (2014). The Impact of Local Socio-Cultural Norms and Economic Needs on Curricula and Teaching Practices: A Study of a Western Branch Campus Located in a Host Country (Doctoral thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from doi:10.11575/PRISM/28184