Low Cost Biodigester As A Sustainable Energy Solution For Developing Countries: Jiudai Yakou Village, China, A Case Study
Biogas is one of the most versatile energy sources. It can provide a sustainable development and access to clean energy. Currently, over 3 billion people worldwide use solid fuels, such as wood to supply their energy needs. These inefficient sources of energy are one of the factors that keep a large population in the developing world trapped in the vicious circle of poverty. Since biogas is generated by anaerobic degradation of human and animal waste, it can be a promising and affordable energy solution to abate poverty. This study draws from a broad base of international case studies to evaluate the feasibility of implementing a low cost biodigester at the Jiudao Yakou village in China as well as from specific information gathered from Eco Village of Hope Society (EVHS) who carries out charitable activities and supports leprosy colonies in Yunnan province. An environmental and socio-economic analysis were developed to compare three of the most popular low cost biodigesters. According to my assessments, the installation of a low cost biodigester at the Jiudao Yakou village has the potential to provide the villagers not only with a renewable source of energy that has multiple environmental and socio economic benefits but it will also provide them with an efficient sanitary system that is relatively affordable and easy to operate and maintain. Some of the environmental benefits include a significant deforestation reduction of about 138 trees, an annual greenhouse gas emission reduction of 71.5 CO2eq, more than five percent savings in fertilizer and fuel with a potential 50 percent increase in crop yields by using slurry from the biodigester. Social benefits include reduction in time for firewood collection of 4 hours per day, clean fuel for cooking and lighting because the biogas produced is estimated to meet more than 60 percent of the village’s energy needs.