Roseman, Mark2008-05-202008-05-201993-03-01 groupware systems, where several users work simultaneously with the same information, are notoriously difficult to construct. This thesis describes the design and implementation of a toolkit for building real-time groupware. Following a user-centered methodology, a number of requirements for groupware toolkits are presented. The requirements are both human-centered, such as support for work surface activities, flexible group processes, and integration with conventional work, and also programmer-centered, such as communications and a shared graphics model. Based on these requirements, a prototype toolkit called GROUPKIT is described. It contains three sets of components used to meet the requirements: a communications infrastructure; overlays for work surface activities; and open protocols for flexible group processes. Other concerns in the toolkit design are minimizing the developer's work; encouraging use; extensibility; and flexibility. A number of sample applications built with GROUPKIT are described.EngComputer ScienceDESIGN OF A REAL-TIME GROUPWARE TOOLKITunknown1993-515-2010.11575/PRISM/31304