MacRae-Krisa, L.Bertrand, L.D.Paetsch, J.J.Rinquist, L.2018-07-182018-07-182014-03-01Boyd, J.-P. E. (2014). Pathways and Transitions of Persistent Youth Offenders in Alberta: Final Report. (Rep.). Calgary, AB: Canadian Research Institutue for Law and the Family report summarizes the findings of a four-year study of pathways and transitions of persistent youth offenders in Alberta. The overall objectives of the study were to understand the factors that differentiate persistent youth offenders who offend into adulthood from persistent youth offenders who desist, understand these factors in a developmental context, and provide focussed information to develop and improve multi-sectoral prevention and intervention initiatives.enlawfamily lawPathways and Transitions of Persistent Youth Offenders in Alberta: Final Reportreport10.11575/PRISM/32774