Hanson, Aubrey Jean2024-05-082024-05-082018Hanson, A. (2018). “Going Native”: Indigenizing Ethnographic Research. Canadian Journal Of Native Studies, 38(2), 83-99.https://hdl.handle.net/1880/11862710.11575/PRISM/43469This article focuses on the possibilities for shaping Indigenous approaches to ethnographic research: it examines what Indigenous researchers are asking of themselves as they devise their research methodologies. Based on a review of literature on Indigenous research methods, it assembles a collection of elements to characterize an Indigenizing approach to ethnography: elements such as respecting distinct cultures and nations; rooting method in culture; understanding the importance of story, language, place, and relationality; and committing to ethics and reciprocity. In gathering these guidelines, this articles promoted accountability to the rapidly growing pool of scholars and their body of scholarship on Indigenous knowledges, cultures, and perspectives.enAll material published in The Canadian Journal of Native Studies is copyright by The Canadian Journal of Native Studies. Permission is hereby granted to copy individual papers within this issue, without prior written permission, for any legitimate not-for-profit educational purposes. This includes the production of limited numbers of classroom copies. Acknowledgement must be given. Copying for commercial purposes, including reproduction in textbooks and anthologies, will normally be allowed without payment subject to prior written permission. Under no circumstances should any individual or group pay any fee of any kind, other than actual posted copying costs, for the reproduction of material from this Journal. No library, agency, or central copyright body is entitled either to receive a fee for permission to copy, or to give or withhold permission to copy from this journal. Any persons asked to pay any charges over and above the actual photocopy costs are asked to notify the Editors.http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/“Going Native”: Indigenizing ethnographic researchArticle