Wyvill, Brianvan Overveld, Kees2008-02-272008-02-271995-04-01http://hdl.handle.net/1880/46252A solid modeling technique is proposed which combines some essential ideas from Constructive Solid Geometry and Implicit Surface Modeling based on soft objects. The result is a surface definition (to be called Boolean Compound Soft Object, or BCSO for short) which consists of a boolean expression with union, intersection and set difference operators. The geometric primitives that form the operands are soft objects bounded by the iso-surfaces resulting from suitable potential fields. These potential fields are parameterized by configurations of so called skeletal elements. The resulting system, unlike most CSG systems, combines blended and unblended primitives. An algorithm for the boundary of a BCSO is presented which produces a mesh of triangles to facilitate fast viewing and rendering.EngComputer ScienceCONSTRUCTIVE SOFT GEOMETRY: THE UNIFICATIONS OF CSG AND IMPLICIT SURFACESunknown1995-561-1310.11575/PRISM/31223