Benzies, KarenMychasiuk, RichelleKurilova, JanaTough, SuzanneEdwards, NancyDonnelly, Carlene2014-07-172014-07-172014-05Benzies, K., Mychasiuk, R., Kurilova, J., Tough, S., Edwards, N. and Donnelly, C. (2014), Two-generation preschool programme: immediate and 7-year-old outcomes for low-income children and their parents. Child & Family Social Work, 19: 203–214. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2206.2012.00894. deposited according to John Wiley & Sons OnlineOpen policy for Child & Family Social Work,, July 17, 2014.engAttribution 4.0 International preschool programme: immediate and 7-year-old outcomes for low-income children and their parentsjournal article10.11575/PRISM/34852