Aggarwala, B. D.2018-09-272018-09-271997-01-01B. D. Aggarwala, “On quadruple integral equations involving trigonometric kernels,” International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 311-322, 1997. doi:10.1155/S0161171297000422 general technique is developed for the solution of quadruple integral equationsinvolving trigonometric kernels. Four such sets are solved explicitly. Application is made to theproblem of three-collinear cracks in linear plane elasticity.On quadruple integral equations involving trigonometric kernelsJournal Article2018-09-27enCopyright © 1997 Hindawi Publishing Corporation. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.