Chen, Shengnan (Nancy)Chen, Zhangxing (John)Lin, Menglu2016-05-042016-05-0420162016 present, combination of the multistage hydraulic fracturing and horizontal wells has become a widely used technology in stimulating unconventional tight reservoirs in Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin (WCSB). It is important to understand hydraulic fracture propagation mechanism, effects of their properties and controlling factors affecting flow-back recovery. In this thesis, based on tight reservoir models in WCSB, firstly we examine different fracture geometry distributions and further discuss their effects on well productions. Then reservoir simulation coupled with rock geomechanics is employed to perform dynamic hydraulic fracturing for predicting hydraulic fracture dimensions and simulating fracturing liquid distribution. At last, Design of Experiments and response surface methodology are conducted to explore well operational parameters affecting flow-back recovery and net present value (NPV). This study provides new insights on the hydraulic fracturing and can be a reference for fracturing treatments in unconventional tight reservoirs.engUniversity of Calgary graduate students retain copyright ownership and moral rights for their thesis. You may use this material in any way that is permitted by the Copyright Act or through licensing that has been assigned to the document. For uses that are not allowable under copyright legislation or licensing, you are required to seek permission.Engineering--PetroleumReservoir simulation, Hydraulic fracturing, Flow-back, Tight reservoirsHydraulic Fracturing and Flow-back Simulation in Unconventional Tight Reservoirsmaster thesis10.11575/PRISM/26401