Beatty, SusanCloutier, Claudette2015-07-282015-07-282012Beatty, S. and C. Cloutier. ( 2012) More Questions than answers; using an observational study to count reference activity. In: Radford, M. (ed) Leading the reference renaissance; today's ideas for tomorrow's cutting-edge services. NY, Neal Schuman. p 125-138.9781555707712 an effort to determine the nature of the questions being asked at the many library service desks across the University of Calgary, an observational study of reference desk activity was conducted in fall 2008 and winter 2009. The chapter reviews the methodology, results and conclusions. The results of the study led to a redesign of the reference service models at the University of Calgary.Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 InternationalLibrary & Information Sciencereference servicesacademic librariesMore questions than answers; using an observational study to count reference activitybook part10.11575/PRISM/34808