Southerland, Ronald H2016-06-132016-06-131979-05Southerland, R. H. (1979). Explicit and implicit communicative strategies in children's narratives*. Calgary Working Papers in Linguistics, 5(Spring), 25-34.2371-2643 present study represents an interim report on ongoing research into the nature of the social differentiation of English in Calgary. The data discussed here were gathered in interviews in Victoria School, an elementary and junior high school in a working and lower class district of Calgary. While an ultimate aim of the broader investigation will be the establishment of some correlation between socio-economic status of speaker and language use, this paper will not address such problems.enLinguisticsSociolinguisticsDiscourse analysis, NarrativeExplicit and implicit communicative strategies in children's narratives*journal article10.11575/PRISM/29008