Wells, LanaExner-Cortens, Deinera2017-04-032017-04-032016-05Wells, L., & Exner-Cortens, D. (Eds). (2016). Fatherhood involvement reference report. Calgary, AB: The University of Calgary, Shift: The Project to End Domestic Violence.http://hdl.handle.net/1880/51894In December 2015, Shift released the Men and Boys Violence Prevention Project: Informing a Government of Alberta Action Plan to Engage Men and Boys to Stop Violence Against Women. One of the key priorities identified within this action plan was the need for new funding and support to increase positive fatherhood involvement as a key prevention strategy for domestic violence. To meet this need, Shift produced No Man Left Behind: How and Why to Include Fathers in Government-Funded Parenting Strategies (to download report, click on PDF below). This report draws on five different research methods to provide findings and recommendations specific to the Government of Alberta. It is our hope that this report will lead to a robust discussion along with policy, practice and investment changes throughout Alberta. For the details of the research that supported the development of this report, please see the Fatherhood Involvement Reference Report. Shift welcomes any feedback and would be pleased to present the research and recommendations to groups throughout Alberta.enFatherhood Involvement Reference Report for No Man Left Behind: How and Why to Include Fathers in Government-Funded Parenting StrategiesOther10.11575/PRISM/31399