Mahinpey, NaderWu, Xueqin2020-02-052020-02-052020-01-31Wu, X. (2020). Development of a Novel Reclaiming Process for Degraded Formulated Solvents from Industrial Gas Processing and Purification (Master's thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from mixed amines become the preferred formulated solvents for CO2 capture from flue gases to meet the cleanup targets at minimum energy consumptions in many commercial large CO2 capture operations, such as Boundary Dam and Parish Petra Nova CO2 Capture Plants. These amine solutions are degraded by reaction with O2, SOx, NOx, and other gas impurities to form heat stable salts and degradation products. A laboratory thermal reclaimer was designed to study the solvent separation from these degradation products and recovered solvent purity for both the singular and mixed. Industrial degraded samples were collected and processed using this facile reclaimer apparatus. A detailed analysis of the feed stream and the recovered product stream showed that this facile reclamation process can remove most of the undesirable impurities and restore the solvent to almost its original purity. These obtained technical data could be useful for scaling-up and designing of the commercial solvent reclaimers, especially for the CO2 capture plants.University of Calgary graduate students retain copyright ownership and moral rights for their thesis. You may use this material in any way that is permitted by the Copyright Act or through licensing that has been assigned to the document. For uses that are not allowable under copyright legislation or licensing, you are required to seek combustion CO2 captureformulated amine solventsthermal reclaimingdegraded MEA solventdegraded mixed MEA/MDEA solventEducation--SciencesEngineering--ChemicalEngineering--EnvironmentalDevelopment of a Novel Reclaiming Process for Degraded Formulated Solvents from Industrial Gas Processing and Purificationmaster thesis10.11575/PRISM/37557