Metz, MartinaBabb, Paulino PreciadoSabbaghan, SoroushPinchbeck, GeoffreyAljarrah, AymanDavis, Brent2016-05-162016-05-162016-05Metz, M., et al. (2016, May). Teachers' Awareness of Variation. In M. Takeuchi, A.P. Preciado Babb, & J. Lock. IDEAS 2016: Designing for Innovation Selected Proceedings. Paper presented at IDEAS 2016: Designing for Innovation, Calgary, Canada (pg 182-191). Calgary, Canada: Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary.978-0-88953-390-5, we report on a study of teachers’ evolving awareness of how they work with patterns of variation to structure and teach mathematics lessons. We identify a number of critical features regarding teachers’ awareness of variation.enMathematical Knowledge for TeachingEnactivismVariation Theory of LearningSTEMDesign ExperimentsTeachers' Awareness of Variationunknown