Chernoff, Gregg2018-07-132018-07-132016-03Calgary Regional Partnership. (2016). Pulling the Levers: A Guide to Modelling and Mapping Ecological Connectivity. Calgary: Chernoff, Gregg. connectivity is a key component of the CRP’s Calgary Metropolitan Plan, and is emerging as a critical sub-theme of the Landscape Health theme within the nascent CRP Ecological Conservation and Protection Initiative (EcoPlan). Connectivity is a key piece of the regional conservation puzzle, and is mentioned as important in the planning documents of many CRP member municipalities. However, there are many issues working against the meaningful consideration of connectivity in regional or local planning.enMunicipal PlanningPulling the Levers: A Guide to Modelling and Mapping Ecological Connectivitytechnical report10.11575/PRISM/34994