Kennett, Steven A.2009-05-052009-05-052006Steven A. Kennett, Integrated Landscape Management in Canada: Getting from Here to There, Occasional Paper No. 17 (Calgary: Canadian Institute of Resources Law, 2006) landscape management (ILM) has been proposed as means of overcoming the fragmentation and incrementalism in decision-making that present virtually insurmountable obstacles to cumulative effects management across much of Canada and in other jurisdictions worldwide. In common with concepts such as integrated resource management and ecosystem-based management, ILM adopts a holistic and forward-looking approach to managing the land and resource uses that may affect ecological, social, cultural and economic values. The analysis and practical examples presented in this paper are intended to provide specific guidance for moving forward with the implementation of ILM.engIntegrated Landscape Management in Canada: Getting from Here to Thereworking paper