Trevor PasanenFrancis-Poscente, Krista2013-04-112013-04-112013-06Pasanen, T & Francis-Poscente, (in press). Catch Billy Miner, Delta-K0319-8367 is a mathematical problem/game for use in a Grade 4-6 classroomAre you looking for fresh ideas for challenging your students? Catch Billy Miner is a great game that you can play in class. We call this game unfair because there is a way to always win. By always winning you can have some fun with your students demonstrating your exceptional skills at game play. This game is suitable for many ages, but we focused this article for Grades 4-6. Once your students learn the winning strategy, they will have gained skills learning how to solve a problem with number and pattern.Attribution 3.0 Unported EducationProblem SolvingGrades 4-6Number SensePatternCatch Billy Minorjournal article10.11575/PRISM/31657