Mezhevich, Ilana2016-06-242016-06-242002-09Mezhevich, I. (2002). Resultatives, particles, prefixes and argument structure. Calgary Working Papers in Linguistics, 24(Fall), 9-32.2371-2643 this paper, I discuss the argument status of postverbal DPs in English resultative constructions, English verb-particle constructions and Russian prefixed verbs. I argue that postverbal DPs in English resultative constructions on the one hand and verb-particle constructions and Russian prefixed verbs on the other hand have different argument status. As shown by various studies, English resultatives are syntactically derived constructions (Carrier and Randall 1992; Neeleman and Weerman 1993; Levin and Rappaport Hovav 1995, among others), whereas Russian prefixed verbs are lexically derived (Townsend 1975; Brecht 1985, Zaliznjak and Shmelev 1997, among others). I assume that lexical derivation as opposed to syntactic derivation is less productive and may change a verb's meaning in an unpredictable way. As a result, Russian prefixed verbs and English verb-particle constructions often have different meaning from their base verbs and may have different arguments.enLinguisticsRussian languageSyntaxMorphologyRussian language--Suffixes and prefixesResultatives, particles, prefixes and argument structurejournal article10.11575/PRISM/28970