Buckmaster, Harvey A.Shing, Yuh Han2005-07-152005-07-151969Barcode: 82481552http://hdl.handle.net/1880/2002Bibliography: p. 74-76.The phenomenon of electron paramagnetic resonance is described microscopically using the rotating.codrdinate methodand macroscopically using the Bloch formalism. Two major nonradiative physical processes, the spin-lattice and spin-spin interactions, whereby a paramagnetic system can loose energy to its environment are briefly discussed. A qualitative description of the crystal-field theory is given. The spin-C Hamiltonian formalism developed by Abragam and Pryce (1951) for interpreting paramagnetic resonance experimental results is described. The conventional (Bleaney, etal., 1951) and generalized spin-Hamiltonian (Grant and Strandberg, 1964) for gadolinium, in lanthanum ethyl sulphate, arederived. The proposed mechanisms for interpreting:the splittingof the ground 8S state of Gd 3+ are reviewed. The EPR spectra of 0.1 per cent Gd 3 as a paramagnetic impurity in lanthanum ethyl' -sulphate were measured at'290°K using 5,10 and 35GHz. spectrometers which, are described. ,The parameters in the conventional:, and genèralizedspin-,Hamiltohian for,' Gin Ianthanum.ethyl, sü1hate were determined at directions parallel and perpendicuThr to lhe cry.sta1 :y 'metry axis using the 5, lQ and35GHz EPR spectra of AM = ± 1 transitions. 'A'convergent, least-mean-square.on1pUter method was utilized for the •àalculation. The eperi.mental and calculated-angular spectra of M = ± 1 and AM =± 2 transitions,are presehted. The experimental results and calculation methods are discussed.xiii, 89 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm.engUniversity of Calgary graduate students retain copyright ownership and moral rights for their thesis. You may use this material in any way that is permitted by the Copyright Act or through licensing that has been assigned to the document. For uses that are not allowable under copyright legislation or licensing, you are required to seek permission.QC 762 S54 1968 MicrofilmElectron paramagnetic resonanceTheoretical and experimental studies in electron paramagnetic resonance I: an investigation of the 290K angular spectra of gadolinium (Gd3+, 8s) in Lanthanum Ethyl Sulphate at 5, 10 and 35 GHz using Conventional and generalized Spin-Hamiltoniansmaster thesis10.11575/PRISM/19617QC 762 S54 1968 Microfilm